Full-Stack React with GraphQL and Apollo Boost
Full-Stack React with GraphQL and Apollo Boost, Build and deploy a full-stack React and GraphQL app from scratch with Apollo Boost, Express, and MongoDB
Created by Reed Barger
English [Auto-generated]
What you'll learn
- Make practical, production-ready full-stack applications with React and GraphQL
- Learn the GraphQL language, how to write queries and mutations both on the client and the server
- Learn React-Apollo in-depth, including Query and Mutation Components, Nested Components, Optimistic UI and Refetching Queries
- Understand how to use and set up Apollo Boost within React applications
- Implement essential web app features such as user authentication, searching, and route protection
- Authenticate your GraphQL application using JSON Web Tokens
- Learn advanced React patterns such as higher-order components and render props
- Discover many useful features of React Router 4
- Learn and reinforce effective state management patterns
- Animate your React app with popular component libraries such as React Pose
- Deploy and redeploy full-stack React applications to the web
Learn a modern, powerful yet safe systems programming language!
Rust Programming Fundamentals
Master Functional Programming techniques with Elixir and Phoenix while learning to build compelling web applications!
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