Tech Explorations™ Raspberry Pi Full Stack Raspbian
Tech Explorations™ Raspberry Pi Full Stack Raspbian, A whirlwind tour of full-stack web application development on the Raspberry Pi
Created by Dr. Peter Dalmaris
English [Auto-generated], Indonesian [Auto-generated], 4 more
What you'll learn
- Setup the minimal Raspbian Lite operating system to the RPi.
- Learn how to work in headless mode
- Learn to install and use the a Python virtual environment.
- Install and use Flask, a Python-based web micro-framework
- Install and use uWSGI as the application server for Flask
- Install and use Nginx light-weight web server
- Setup systemd to automatically start your application
- Use the RPi GPIOs as digital input and outputs
- Use a DHT22 humidity and temperature sensor
- Install and use the SQLite database
- Use the Google Chart API to create visual representations of the sensor data
- Use JQuery to add interactivity to web pages
- Use Plotly for graphical analysis of sensor data
- Assign a static IP address to your Raspberry Pi
- Expose your application to the Internet, and access it from anywhere
- Requirements
- A Raspberry Pi 2 or 3, model B
- A Windows, Mac or Linux computer
- A DHT22 sensor
- An 5mm LED
- A pushbutton
- A breadboard and jumper wires
- Access to the Internet
- (Check hardware requirements in a free lecture in the first section of the course)
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