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Data Science & Machine Learning using Python - A Bootcamp

Data Science & Machine Learning using Python - A Bootcamp
Data Science & Machine Learning using Python - A Bootcamp, A Jump start towards the most rewarding and in-demand career of Data Science and Machine Learning!
  • Created by Dr. Junaid Qazi, PhD
  • English
  • English [Auto-generated]


What you'll learn
  • You will learn the skill set and power of Python to analyze data, create state of the art visualization and use of machine learning algorithms to facilitate decision making.
  • Python for Data Science and Machine Learning
  • NumPy for Numerical Data
  • Pandas for Data Analysis
  • Plotting with Matplotlib
  • Statistical Plots with Seaborn
  • Interactive dynamic visualizations of data using Plotly
  • SciKit-Learn for Machine Learning
  • K-Mean Clustering, Logistic Regression, Linear Regression
  • Random Forest and Decision Trees
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  • Support Vector Machines
  • Recommender Systems
  • Natural Language Processing and Spam Filters
  • and much more...................!
  • Requirements
  • A PC and passion to be successful!
  • Some experience in programming could be helpful but not required!
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