Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .NET Core
Ditulis pada: March 10, 2021
Implementation on .NET Core, Building Microservices on .Net which used Asp.Net Web API, Docker, RabbitMQ,Ocelot API Gateway, MongoDB,Redis,SqlServer
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Created by Mehmet Ă–zkaya
English [Auto]
What you'll learn
- ASPNET Core Web API Development of Microservices
- REST API Principles, CRUD Operations
- Mongo DB and Redis NoSQL Database Connection on Docker
- Entity Framework Core with SQL Server Database Connection on Docker
- N-Layer implementation with Repository Pattern
- Clean Architecture implementation with CQRS Pattern
- Swagger Open API implementation
- RabbitMQ Publish Event Queue When Checkout Cart
- Consuming RabbitMQ Messages from Ordering Microservices
- Base EventBus Implementation and Add References Microservices
- Implementation of MediatR, Autofac, FluentValidator, AutoMapper
- Ocelot API Gateway Development of Microservices
- ASPNET Core Web Application with Razor Pages
- Call Ocelot APIs with HttpClientFactory
- Docker Compose Establishments
- Dockerization of Microservices